Anjos Yoga Festival

To celebrate the end of my time in Lisbon and to say goodbye to my students I created ‘Anjos Yoga Festival’ and invited friends to come and teach different styles of Yoga.


On the day we began with a (free) 30 minute meditation and then some pranayama exercises led by Arjuna.  As the festival took place as the same week International Yoga Day we also did 101 Sun Salutations to celebrate.

We then had classes in Sivananda, Vinyasa, Forrest Yoga and Jivamukti.  We had homemade vegetarian food for lunch and plenty of tea and about 50 different students all throughout the day.  Tickets were kept cheap to provide quality yoga to the local community and it was a real success! I would really like to create a yoga festival again one day…maybe in my new home of Amsterdam.

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